Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Laboratory ammeters are electromagnetic measuring devices designed to measure the strength of alternating and direct electric current in laboratory conditions. The limit of the permissible basic relative error at all marks of the working part of the scale is ± 0.5%
Models: E535M, E536M, E537M, E538M, E539M

Shield ammeters are analog electrical measuring devices designed to measure AC power in electrical circuits. They are used indoors in electrical installations of industrial enterprises, in panels of transformer substations, in automated process control systems.
Models: E80A, E80A50, E80A100, E80A150, E80A200, E80A300, E80A400, E80A600, E80A800, E80A1000, E80A1500, E80A2000

Leakage current meters are digital meters used to check electrical leakage current of enclosures and protection systems. They are used in the electric power sector, the electrification sector, in construction, mining, industry, labor protection.
Models: ProfKiP-Uzo


Price list

All PROFKIP products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant PROFKIP: pH meters, autotransformers, breathalyzers, spectrum analyzers, anemometers, digital scales, vibrometers, moisture meters, voltmeters, signal generators, rangefinders, dosimeters, leak detectors, impedance meters, power, distortion, illumination, resistance, current, power supplies, laboratory instruments, oscilloscopes, thermometers, panel devices
  • Measuring kits PROFKIP
    Measuring kits
    K540M, etc.
  • Digital scales PROFKIP
    Digital scales
    VC-805, 855, 895, etc.
  • Breakdown installations PROFKIP
    Breakdown installations
    UPU-1, UPU6M, etc.
  • Thickness gauges PROFKIP
    Thickness gauges
    MT-930, UT-860, etc.
  • Hardness testers PROFKIP
    Hardness testers
    ALMAZ-936, etc.
  • Resistance rheostats PROFKIP
    Resistance rheostats
    RSP-2-1, RSP-4-9, etc.
  • Search equipment PROFKIP
    Search equipment
    WATCH-911, SEARCH-944, etc.
  • Gas leak detectors PROFKIP
    Gas leak detectors
    SIGNAL-1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
  • Moisture meters PROFKIP
    Moisture meters
    ROSA-217, 981A, etc.
  • Vibrometers PROFKIP
    Impact-A2, B2, D, etc.
  • Testing devices PROFKIP
    Testing devices
    AVIC-70, Tangent-M, etc.
  • Rangefinders PROFKIP
    DAL-1, 5, 8, etc.
  • Anemometers PROFKIP
    Cyclone-216, 856A, etc.
  • Luxmeters PROFKIP
    YU116A, UV-340, etc.
  • Noise meters PROFKIP
    Noise meters
    SL-401, 403, 404, etc.
  • Voltmeters PROFKIP
    V3-38M, C100M, etc.
  • Wattmeters PROFKIP
    D5064M, D5066M, etc.
  • Ammeters PROFKIP
    E535M, E80A, etc.
  • Spectrum Analyzers PROFKIP
    Spectrum Analyzers
    C4-400, P3-100M, etc.
  • pH meters and breathalyzers PROFKIP
    pH meters and breathalyzers
    pH-218, 218A, etc.
  • Autotransformers PROFKIP
    AOSN-12-220, etc.
  • Semiconductor Meters PROFKIP
    Semiconductor Meters
    L2-54M, 70M, 76M, etc.
  • Power meters PROFKIP
    Power meters
    YA2M-66M, M3-92M, etc.
  • Measuring bridges PROFKIP
    Measuring bridges
    PP-63M, R33-M1, etc.
  • Tachometers PROFKIP
    TC-55, 34B, etc.
  • Resistance meters PROFKIP
    Resistance meters
    E6-33, ES2021G, etc.
  • Pyrometers and thermal imagers PROFKIP
    Pyrometers and thermal imagers
    Cobra-110, T300, etc.
  • Oscilloscopes PROFKIP
    C8-66M, C1-101M, etc.
  • Signal generators PROFKIP
    Signal generators
    G3-109M, GSS-05M, etc.
  • Immitance meters PROFKIP
    Immitance meters
    E7-13M, 16M, 25M, etc.
  • Frequency meters PROFKIP
    Frequency meters
    Ch3-54M, 63/1M, etc.
  • Power sources PROFKIP
    Power sources
    B5-21M, 785M, etc.


PROFKIP (Mytishchi) is a manufacturer of modern measuring instruments. The devices manufactured by the company are in demand not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Good metrological characteristics, reliability and ergonomics make the products of this brand optimal in terms of price—quality ratio.
  • assortment

    The company offers a large selection of oscilloscopes, voltmeters, signal generators, frequency meters, ammeters, laboratory power supplies, tachometers and many other devices.
  • application

    Modern, reliable and affordable control and measuring devices for use in industry, agriculture, construction, scientific research, education and in everyday life.
  • quality

    Strict quality control is carried out by electronic engineers and metrologists of the company throughout the entire technological process, from product development to its introduction to the market.

Information Board PROFKIP

Learn more about our products PROFKIP.
  • Price list of measuring equipment PROFKIP марки ПРОФКИП
    Price list of measuring equipment PROFKIP
  • Catalog of measuring equipment PROFKIP изготовителя ПРОФКИП
    Catalog of measuring equipment PROFKIP


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